August 7, 2018
Run Length Encoding - Part 2
In the last post we introduced the very simple Run Length Encoding data-compression scheme. Here's how we do it. The code below is interactive, try editing it to observe how the functions behave.
Encoder - parsing
We begin by parsing the string with a RegEx into groups of repeating characters:
(defn encoder-groups [string]
(re-seq #"(.)\1*" string))
(encoder-groups "AABBBCCCC")
Now that we've parsed the string into a data structure, we can extract the appropriate values. We return each character preceded by its number, but only if it is more than 1:
(defn encoder-values [[group char]]
(str (if (> (count group) 1)
(count group)
(encoder-values ["AA" "A"])
, apply
Finally, we combine this into one function that maps the result of one to the other and stitches it all together:
(defn run-length-encode [s]
(let [groups (re-seq #"(.)\1*" s)]
(apply str
(map encoder-values groups))))
(run-length-encode "aabbbcccc")
Decoder - parsing
(defn decoder-groups [string]
(re-seq #"(\d+)?(.)" string))
(decoder-groups "12WB12W3B24WB")
(defn decoder-values [[_ n x]]
(apply str
(repeat (js/parseInt (or n "1")) x)))
(decoder-values ["12W" "12" "W"])
, apply
Here is the complete decoder function:
(defn run-length-decode [s]
(let [groups (re-seq #"(\d+)?(.)" s)]
(apply str
(map decoder-values groups))))
(run-length-decode "12WB12W3B24WB")