August 13, 2018
4clojure 171 - Intervals
Write a function that takes a sequence of integers and returns a sequence of "intervals". Each interval is a a vector of two integers, start and end, such that all integers between start and end (inclusive) are contained in the input sequence.
(ns live.test
(:require [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is run-tests]]))
(defn intervals [coll]
(reverse (reduce (fn [[[a b] & r :as is] n]
(if (and a (= (inc b) n))
(cons [a n] r)
(cons [n n] is)))
(distinct (sort coll)))))
(deftest test-171
(is (= (intervals [1 2 3]) [[1 3]]))
(is (= (intervals [10 9 8 1 2 3]) [[1 3] [8 10]]))
(is (= (intervals [1 1 1 1 1 1 1]) [[1 1]]))
(is (= (intervals []) []))
(is (= (intervals [19 4 17 1 3 10 2 13 13 2 16 4 2 15 13 9 6 14 2 11])
[[1 4] [6 6] [9 11] [13 17] [19 19]])))