August 13, 2018
4clojure 178 - Best Hand
Following on from Recognize Playing Cards, determine the best poker hand that can be made with five cards. The hand rankings are listed below for your convenience.
- Straight flush: All cards in the same suit, and in sequence
- Four of a kind: Four of the cards have the same rank
- Full House: Three cards of one rank, the other two of another rank
- Flush: All cards in the same suit
- Straight: All cards in sequence (aces can be high or low, but not both at once)
- Three of a kind: Three of the cards have the same rank
- Two pair: Two pairs of cards have the same rank
- Pair: Two cards have the same rank
- High card: None of the above conditions are met
(ns live.test
(:require [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is run-tests]]))
(defn best-hand [h]
(let [[s r] (apply map list h)
rs (set (map frequencies (partition 5 1 "A23456789TJQKA")))
s? (rs (frequencies r))
f? (apply = s)
g (frequencies (vals (frequencies r)))]
(and s? f?) :straight-flush
(g 4) :four-of-a-kind
(and (g 2) (g 3)) :full-house
f? :flush
s? :straight
(g 3) :three-of-a-kind
(= 2 (g 2)) :two-pair
(g 2) :pair
:else :high-card)))
(deftest best-hand-test
(is (= :high-card (best-hand ["HA" "D2" "H3" "C9" "DJ"])))
(is (= :pair (best-hand ["HA" "HQ" "SJ" "DA" "HT"])))
(is (= :two-pair (best-hand ["HA" "DA" "HQ" "SQ" "HT"])))
(is (= :three-of-a-kind (best-hand ["HA" "DA" "CA" "HJ" "HT"])))
(is (= :straight (best-hand ["HA" "DK" "HQ" "HJ" "HT"])))
(is (= :straight (best-hand ["HA" "H2" "S3" "D4" "C5"])))
(is (= :flush (best-hand ["HA" "HK" "H2" "H4" "HT"])))
(is (= :full-house (best-hand ["HA" "DA" "CA" "HJ" "DJ"])))
(is (= :four-of-a-kind (best-hand ["HA" "DA" "CA" "SA" "DJ"])))
(is (= :straight-flush (best-hand ["HA" "HK" "HQ" "HJ" "HT"]))))