September 11, 2018
Just Juxt #28: Power Set (4clojure #85)
Write a function which generates the power set of a given set. The power set of a set x is the set of all subsets of x, including the empty set and x itself.
(ns live.test
(:require [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is testing run-tests]]))
(defn powerset [s]
(if (empty? s)
(let [[h t] ((juxt first (comp powerset set next)) s)]
(set (concat t (map #(conj % h) t))))))
(deftest powerset-test
(is (= (powerset #{1 :a}) #{#{1 :a} #{:a} #{} #{1}}))
(is (= (powerset #{}) #{#{}}))
(is (= (powerset #{1 2 3}) #{#{} #{1} #{2} #{3} #{1 2} #{1 3} #{2 3} #{1 2 3}}))
(is (= (count (powerset (into #{} (range 10)))) 1024)))