September 13, 2018
Just Juxt #30: Symmetric Difference (4clojure #88)
Write a function which returns the symmetric difference of two sets. The symmetric difference is the set of items belonging to one but not both of the two sets.
(ns live.test
(:require [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is testing run-tests]]))
(defn sym-diff [a b]
(set (mapcat identity
((juxt #(remove % %2)
#(remove %2 %)) a b))))
(deftest sym-diff-test
(is (= (sym-diff #{1 2 3 4 5 6} #{1 3 5 7}) #{2 4 6 7}))
(is (= (sym-diff #{:a :b :c} #{}) #{:a :b :c}))
(is (= (sym-diff #{} #{4 5 6}) #{4 5 6}))
(is (= (sym-diff #{[1 2] [2 3]} #{[2 3] [3 4]}) #{[1 2] [3 4]})))