September 15, 2018

100 Days Of Clojure Code - Day 1

100 Days of Code

Alright, so here we go! For the first day of the 100 Days Of Code challenge I did the same thing I've been doing every day for the past month, I published a Just Juxt.

Let's see what the other participants did!

Taking a look at jr0cket's log, he already began yesterday by testing and describing his development environment, so I ought to do something like that too.

The text editor I use is Bob, which I built myself in C. It's nothing fancy, it doesn't even have undo. We like livin' dangerously here, me and Bob, on Planet Porkostomus. I do plan on giving it REPL support as soon as I figure out how. I might use the Socket REPL, since it's just Telnet. Or better yet - pREPL, which I hear uses structured EDN data.


I also have Spacemacs, Vim with fireplace and Atom with proto-repl which may come in handy for its visualizations. But mostly I just work in the terminal, in my little Bob the text editor, and paste stuff into the REPL. Then when I get something I want to present, I usually put it into a page in self-hosted Clojurescript. That produces a nice environment with constant evaluation that I find very handy.

So let's see what jr0cket is doing today... it's a webapp-status-monitor, the start of a very simple status monitor mock application.

And then we have kazesberger, who is working on a Minesweeper exercise.

I'm a mentor on exercism and didn't even realize they had a Minesweeper. I would have looked to it for help back when I was making my own. It was quite a mind-bender, an unexpectedly difficult problem.

Let's check it out:

(ns minesweeper
  (:require [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest testing is run-tests]]
             [clojure.string :refer [join]]))
(defn draw [] ;; <- arglist goes here
  ;; your code goes here
(def line-separator \n)

(deftest zero-size-board
  (is (= (draw "") "")))

(deftest empty-board
  (is (= (draw (join line-separator ["   "
                               "   "
                               "   "]))
         (join line-separator ["   "
                         "   "
                         "   "]))))

(deftest surrounded
  (is (= (draw (join line-separator ["***"
                               "* *"
         (join line-separator ["***"

(deftest board-full-of-mines
  (is (= (draw (join line-separator ["***"
         (join line-separator ["***"

(deftest horizontal-line
  (is (= (draw " * * ")

(deftest vertical-line
  (is (= (draw (join line-separator [" "
                               " "
                               " "]))
         (join line-separator ["1"

(deftest cross
  (is (= (draw (join line-separator ["  *  "
                               "  *  "
                               "  *  "
                               "  *  "]))
         (join line-separator [" 2*2 "
                         " 2*2 "]))))

Now if we take a look over at Exhibit B, jr0cket is cooking up something pretty nice. And he's doing a great job documenting it, too! It's a Ring app with Compojure, Hiccup and Bootstrap. Let's try cloning the repository and firing it up:



We'll be checking back periodically to see how we're progressing. Excited to see!

Mr. PB

Tags: 100 Days Of Code coding exercises KLIPSE