100 Days Of Clojure Code Day 5 - Make a Lisp
Today I'm gonna start an implementation of Lisp in Clojure following the mal - Make a Lisp guide. It is a learning tool, a language with many of the features of Clojure that has been done in 73 languages! It is deeply rooted in the Clojure community, originally inspired by gherkin, a functional programming language and interpreter written in GNU Bash 4. Since this is part of my 100 Days of Clojure challenge, I'm gonna make a Lisp in Clojure.
The first thing that usually comes to mind when doing such a thing is that it somehow feels like cheating. But this has been one of the most famous and beautiful exercises in the Lisp tradition.
The way I see it, the project that I'm taking on is to build a toolbox. And to do it, it just so happens that I have one of the best toolboxes with which to accomplish that, Clojure.
In particular, the following features will make the task relatively easy:
- Sequential compound data structures (lists, vectors, etc)
- Associative compound data structures (hash-maps)
- Function references (first class functions, function pointers, etc)
- Real exception handling (try/catch, raise, throw, etc)
- Variable argument functions (variadic, var args, splats, apply, etc)
- Function closures
- regular expressions
- Dynamic typing / boxed types (specifically, the ability to store different data types in the sequential and associative structures and the language keeps track of the type for you)
- Compound data types support arbitrary runtime "hidden" data (metadata, metatables, dynamic fields attributes)
Here is an illustration of the basic framework of our interpreter:
So we're gonna make a REPL!
We will first take a high-level overview of what the process will be like. We're gonna need 4 functions: READ
, and rep
(read-eval-print), which will go in a loop:
(ns lisp.step0-repl
(:require [lisp.readline :as readline])
#?(:clj (:gen-class)))
(defn READ [& [strng]]
(defn EVAL [ast env]
(defn PRINT [exp]
(defn rep [strng] (PRINT (EVAL (READ strng), {})))
(defn repl-loop []
(let [line (readline/readline "user> ")]
(when line
(when-not (re-seq #"^\s*$|^\s*;.*$" line) ; blank/comment
(println (rep line)))
(defn -main [& args]
For our readline library, we can use either GNU readline or editline via the clojure-jna project (Java Native Access) to dynamically load and use native C libs.
(ns lisp.readline
(:require [clojure.string :refer [split]]
[clojure.java.io :refer [file]]
[net.n01se.clojure-jna :as jna]))
(defonce history-loaded (atom nil))
(def HISTORY-FILE (str (System/getProperty "user.home") "/.mal-history"))
;; Uncomment one of the following readline libraries
;; editline (BSD)
(def readline-call (jna/to-fn String edit/readline))
(def add-history (jna/to-fn Void edit/add_history))
(def load-history #(doseq [line (split (slurp %) #"\n")]
(jna/invoke Void edit/add_history line))))
;; GNU Readline (GPL)
;; WARNING: distributing your code with GNU readline enabled means you
;; must release your program as GPL
(def readline-call (jna/to-fn String readline/readline))
(def add-history (jna/to-fn Void readline/add_history))
(def load-history (jna/to-fn Integer readline/read_history)))
(defn readline [prompt & [lib]]
(when (not @history-loaded)
(reset! history-loaded true)
(when (.canRead (file HISTORY-FILE))
(load-history HISTORY-FILE)))
(let [line (readline-call prompt)]
(when line
(add-history line)
(when (.canWrite (file HISTORY-FILE))
(spit HISTORY-FILE (str line "\n") :append true)))
We have also added history support. Now we need to read and print:
We'll make a namespace for functions related to the reader:
(ns lisp.reader
(:refer-clojure :exclude [read-string])
#?(:clj (:require [clojure.tools.reader :as r]
[clojure.tools.reader.reader-types :as rt]))
#?(:cljs (:require [cljs.tools.reader :as r]
[cljs.tools.reader.reader-types :as rt])))
;; change tools.reader syntax-quote to quasiquote
(defn- wrap [sym]
(fn [rdr _] (list sym (#'r/read rdr true nil))))
(defn- wrap-with [sym]
(fn [rdr arg _] (list sym (#'r/read rdr true nil) arg)))
;; Override some tools.reader reader macros so that we can do our own
;; metadata and quasiquote handling
(def new-rmacros
(fn [f]
(fn [ch]
(case ch
\` (wrap 'quasiquote)
\~ (fn [rdr comma]
(if-let [ch (rt/peek-char rdr)]
(if (identical? \@ ch)
((wrap 'splice-unquote) (doto rdr rt/read-char) \@)
((wrap 'unquote) rdr \~))))
\^ (fn [rdr comma]
(let [m (#'r/read rdr)]
((wrap-with 'with-meta) rdr m \^)))
\@ (wrap 'deref)
(f ch)))))
#?(:clj (alter-var-root #'r/macros new-rmacros)
:cljs (set! r/macros (new-rmacros r/macros)))
(defn read-string [s]
(r/read-string s))
And for the printer:
(ns lisp.printer)
#?(:clj (import '(java.io Writer)))
;; TODO Better:
;; (extend-protocol IPrintWithWriter
;; Atom
;; ...
;; PersistentArrayMap
;; ...
;; PersistentHashMap
;; ...)
;; Override atom printer
#?(:clj (defmethod clojure.core/print-method clojure.lang.Atom [a writer]
(.write writer "(atom ")
(.write writer (pr-str @a))
(.write writer ")"))
:cljs (extend-type Atom
(-pr-writer [a writer _]
(-write writer (str "(atom " (pr-str @a) ")")))))
;; Override hash-map printer to remove comma separators
#?(:clj (defmethod print-method clojure.lang.IPersistentMap [hm ^Writer w]
(.write w "{")
(when-let [xs (seq hm)]
(loop [[[k v] & xs] xs]
(print-method k w)
(.write w " ")
(print-method v w)
(when xs (.write w " ") (recur xs))))
(.write w "}"))
:cljs (extend-type PersistentHashMap
(-pr-writer [hm w _]
(-write w "{")
(when-let [xs (seq hm)]
(loop [[[k v] & xs] xs]
(-write w (pr-str k))
(-write w " ")
(-write w (pr-str v))
(when xs (-write w " ") (recur xs))))
(-write w "}"))))
;; Add a version of str that is the same all the way down (no
;; print-readably and nil printing all the way down)
(defn- pr-
([] nil)
#?(:clj (print-method x *out*)
:cljs (pr x)))
([x & more]
(pr- x)
(if-let [nmore (next more)]
(recur (first more) nmore)
(apply pr- more))))
(defn _str [& xs]
(binding [*print-readably* nil]
(with-out-str (apply pr- xs))))
That's enough to chew on for now, as I said this is just to give us an idea of what's going on. In the upcoming posts we'll go into more detail.