September 28, 2018
Just Juxt #45: Map Defaults (4clojure #156)
When retrieving values from a map, you can specify default values in case the key is not found:
(= 2 (:foo {:bar 0, :baz 1} 2))
However, what if you want the map itself to contain the default values?
Write a function which takes a default value and a sequence of keys and constructs a map.
(ns live.test
(:require [cljs.test :refer-macros [deftest is run-tests]]))
(defn map-defaults [v ks]
(into {}
(map (juxt
(constantly v))
(deftest map-defaults-test
(is (= (map-defaults 0 [:a :b :c])
{:a 0 :b 0 :c 0}))
(is (= (map-defaults "x" [1 2 3])
{1 "x" 2 "x" 3 "x"}))
(is (= (map-defaults [:a :b] [:foo :bar])
{:foo [:a :b] :bar [:a :b]})))